Saturday, April 5, 2014

MC Roco - Stomping on Qardaha

MC Roco - Stomping on Qardaha
داعس على القرداحة - ام سو روكو
 Released March 26, 2012

Lyrics courtesy of MC Roco's YouTube video.
Full Arabic lyrics and their English translation after the jump...

Arabic Lyrics

المقطع الأول
حابب بلش بسم الله ربي الرحمن الرحيم
سيادة الرئيس سمحلي قلك كلمتين
طز فيك و ع النظام يلي صرلو عنا سنين
بندخل بالتفاصيل من صدرك قلبك راح شيل
عميل للماسونية .. وعنا مليون دليل
دخلك مين باع الجولان السوري لأسرائيل ؟
بدي ادعس ع القرداحة و ادعس على النظام
داعس على راس الأسد إيـــــه ابن الحرام
ما تقلي طائفية لأ .. كلشي لحال
ما بشملكون بكلامي فيكون كم واحد عال !!
بس تجيب سيرة السٌنة بتحكي بإحترام ..
شوف اختك **** بإي ديسكو عم تنام !!
اهل السنة يا حيوان .. تاج راس النظام
عم تتحامى بالسلاح .. شو بتفرق عن النعام ؟
عايشين جوا نظام وسخ .. ما له اي لزوم ..
حابب تعرف السبب ؟ ع المواطن اعمل زووووم 

الكورس (x2)
انا داعس ع القرداحة مسقط راس الأنذال
و ع صباطي ما بتغبر في أية حال
نحن دوماً رقم واحد و انتو صفر على شمال
مالكون قيمة مالكون مركز ... وسط الرجال

المقطع الثاني
بشار الأسد ياهو عاملي حالو دكتور
تخرج من عنا من سوريا حامل دبلوم ديكتاتور
عاها على السياسة .. و شكلو شكل عتريس
بيطلعلنا بخطابات ما بيفهمو غير التيس !!
يا روكو عيب !! خلص حل عني ولو
هو جنى على نفسو بإيدو حفر قبرو
ناوي طلع كلشي بقلبي و زتو على وشو
يمكن يحسلو شوي كيف عايش شعبو
بدي فنتر على قبرو انا و ابو زهير
بتعرف الباصات الرايحة انا الها شوفير ؟
قاقي يقاقي قاقي .. بدنا نفنتر على بو طاقا
سمعان ولاااااه بدنا نفنتر على بو طاقا
قر بتشرب متي ؟ قهلا بإبن العم قهلا
انتو بدكن حريي .. قنينة شامبانيا فتحلا
يفضح عرضك على عرضو و عرض كلشي بصفكون
شوية سفاحين عاهات بإيدنا بنصفي دمكون 

الكورس (x2)
انا داعس ع القرداحة مسقط راس الأنذال
و ع صباطي ما بتغبر في أية حال
نحن دوماً رقم واحد و انتو صفر على شمال
مالكون قيمة مالكون مركز ... وسط الرجال

يا ظالم صبرك صبرك. بالشام منحفر قبرك.
الظالم مو بس النظام. الظالم مو بس الجيش.
الظالم مو هو الأمن. الظالم مو اللي جاي من برّا.
الظالم مو هو المندسّ والظالم مو هو الشبيحة.
الظالم هو اللي ساكت.

English Translation:

I'd like to begin by saying: "In the name of God, my merciful and compassionate Lord."
Mr. President, permit me, your Excellency, to tell you two words:
To hell with you ["Toz feek!"] and with your regime that's been with us for so many years.
Let's get into the details: your heart will be ripped out of your chest!
You agent of Masons, we have a million reasons why!
Aren't you one who sold out the Syrian Golan to Israel?
I want to stomp on Qardaha and stomp on the regime!
I want stomp on Asad's head. Yeah, that's right, you child of sin!
You won't even find a sect [to help you] - everything will be by itself.
My words won't be enough for you because everyone is oppressed.
But the march of the Sunnis will make you talk respectfully.
Look at sister your getting fucked at any nightclub where she's sleeping..
The Sunnis, you animal, are the crown on the regime's head.
You're being guarded with weapons. What will separate you from your comforts?
We're living under a filthy regime that we don't need.
You wanna know the reason why? Zoom in and take a look at any Syrian citizen!

I'm stomping on Qardaha, the hometown of these bastards
And I won't get dust on my shoes in any case.
We'll always be number one and you'll always be zero.
Your money has its value and its hiding places but, yo! Now you're surrounded by real men!

Bashar al-Asad is the one who became a doctor.
From our midst, he graduated from Syria carrying a dictator's diploma!
____ on the politics. He looks like a petulant little tyrant.
He showered us with speeches that only a goat would understand!
Roco! Shame on you! Enough! Get off my back or else!
He brought the retribution upon himself! He dug his own grave!
I intend to see everything with my heart and then I'll take my foot off of his face.
It can happen a little bit, but how will his people live?
I want to desecrate his grave - me and [Hussein Jabri] Abu Zuheir
You know the buses that are going there - I'll be the chauffeur!
They cackle and cackle like hens! We want to walk all over Abu Taqa!
Are you listening or not? We want to walk all over Abu Taqa!
Have you decided when you're going to drink? With Cousin Qahla?
You want my freedom? Go ahead and pop a bottle of champagne.
Your sins will be revealed, as will his sins and the sins of everyone in your ranks.
We cutthroats are coming to purify your blood with our hands!

I'm stomping on Qardaha, the hometown of these bastards
And I won't get any dust on my shoes in any case.
We'll always be number one and you'll always be zero.
Your money has its value and its hiding places but, yo! Now you're surrounded by real men!

O, oppressor! Be patient. Be patient. In Syria we are digging your grave.
The oppressor isn't only the regime. The oppressor isn't only the army.
The oppressor isn't only the security services. The oppressor isn't only those who come from outside.
The oppressor isn't only the infiltrator and the oppressor isn't only the Shabiha.
The oppressor is the one who is silent.

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